Laracons, hunting bugs, and spinning background processes
Download MP3Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.
Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.
This episode is sponsored by Honeybadger - combining error monitoring, uptime monitoring and check-in monitoring into a single, easy to use platform and making you a DevOps hero.
This episode is sponsored by Honeybadger - combining error monitoring, uptime monitoring and check-in monitoring into a single, easy to use platform and making you a DevOps hero.
- (01:19) - Laravel 9.44 is released with native support for changing database columns and more
- (04:51) - Laravel 9.45 released
- (09:01) - Laravel 9.46 released
- (12:11) - Laravel Certification Program is no longer official
- (13:41) - Laracon India 2023
- (15:23) - Laracon EU Lisbon 2023
- (17:05) - Laracon US 2023
- (18:18) - Announcing Eventy
- (20:51) - Laravel News top 10 posts of 2022
- (23:02) - Laravel Breeze now with dark mode
- (23:40) - Laravel 10 bug hunt
- (24:56) - Sponsor: Honeybadger
- (25:54) - OpnForm is an open-source form builder made with Laravel
- (28:15) - OpenAI for Laravel
- (29:08) - Spin up your development background processes with ease
- (32:13) - Cloudflare's Turnsite captcha for Laravel
- (33:58) - Inspect and develop mail templates with Laravel Mailbook
- (37:26) - Effective Eloquent
- (38:30) - A quick guide on why you should use Laravel Octane to scale your app
- (40:13) - How we automatically share new content on social media
- (40:43) - A practical guide to search Eloquent relationships using Laravel Scout database driver
- (41:36) - Using OpenAI in Laravel
- (41:50) - CRUD operations using Laravel Livewire
Creators and Guests

Michael Dyrynda
Dad. @laravelphp Artisan. @LaraconAU organiser. Co-host of @northsouthaudio, @laravelnews, @ripplesfm. Opinions are mine.