Flat Camp, awesome facades, and sailing a fleet

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Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

This episode is sponsored by Honeybadger - combining error monitoring, uptime monitoring and check-in monitoring into a single, easy to use platform and making you a DevOps hero.

  • (02:25) - Laravel 9.47 released
  • (06:48) - Laravel 9.48 released
  • (13:37) - Inertia v1.0 is here
  • (18:28) - Jetstream and Breeze updated to Inertia v1.0 + dark mode for Jetstream
  • (20:04) - Statamic announced a new Flat Camp retreat
  • (22:16) - Sponsor: Honeybadger
  • (23:11) - Automatic docblock generation on facades
  • (28:23) - Laravel deleted models package
  • (31:27) - Run multiple Sail apps locally with Fleet
  • (35:21) - Monitor CPU and memory in Laravel apps with Stethoscope
  • (36:42) - Simple ad, banner, and callouts manager for Laravel
  • (38:34) - Configuring Laravel Pint
  • (39:45) - How to improve your Laravel application's security using a CSP
  • (40:01) - Learn about Laravel's dependency injection container
  • (40:22) - Using PHP Codesniffer with Laravel
  • (41:07) - Reducing code duplication
  • (41:42) - Building APIs in Laravel

Creators and Guests

Michael Dyrynda
Michael Dyrynda
Dad. @laravelphp Artisan. @LaraconAU organiser. Co-host of @northsouthaudio, @laravelnews, @ripplesfm. Opinions are mine.
Flat Camp, awesome facades, and sailing a fleet
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