Laravel 11 is coming, Typesense, and creatin beautiful charts

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Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Show links

  • (02:02) - Laravel 10.41 - Conditional Job Chains, a Number::spell() Threshold, Configurable model:prune Path, and More
  • (06:46) - Laravel 10.42 - Global Defaults for the HTTP Client, a Max Validation Rule for Passwords, and more
  • (09:43) - Laravel Scout Adds Typesense, A Lightening-fast Open-source Search
  • (12:59) - Laravel 11 Introduces the Dumpable Trait
  • (14:46) - Eager Load Limit is Coming to Laravel 11
  • (18:12) - Dive into the Streamlined Directory Structure in Laravel 11
  • (23:14) - Meet Aspen: Speedier & Smarter API Testing, Outshining Postman and Insomnia
  • (26:53) - Laravel Live UK
  • (28:25) - Write Tabular Assertions with Pest and PHPUnit
  • (30:39) - Create Beautiful Charts in Filament With the Apex Charts Plugin
  • (31:50) - Generate Tailwind Utility Stylesheets on Demand with Curlwind
  • (34:16) - Download Over 1,500 Google Fonts in Your Laravel Project
  • (35:17) - Create Dynamic Discounts with Custom Conditions on Laravel With the Discountify Package
  • (37:46) - Handling Bulk Imports in Filament

Creators and Guests

Michael Dyrynda
Michael Dyrynda
Dad. @laravelphp Artisan. @LaraconAU organiser. Co-host of @northsouthaudio, @laravelnews, @ripplesfm. Opinions are mine.
Laravel 11 is coming, Typesense, and creatin beautiful charts
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