Fluent requests, whispering to AI, and tutorials for days
Download MP3Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.
This episode is sponsored by Sentry - code breaks, fix it faster. Don't just observe, take action today!
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This episode is sponsored by Sentry - code breaks, fix it faster. Don't just observe, take action today!
Show links
- Access Request Data Fluently in Laravel 11.34
- Packagist.org is ending support for Composer 1.x
- PIE (PHP Installer for Extensions)
- HydePHP is a Laravel-powered Static Site Generator
- Collect and Monitor Everything About Sent Emails in Your Laravel App
- Add Approvals to Your Laravel Application
- File Manager Package for Livewire
- Whisper.php - Automatic speech recognition and transcription
- Paginate Multiple Eloquent Models with the Union Paginator Package
- Efficient Large Dataset Handling in Laravel Using streamJson()
- Optimizing Route Permissions with Laravel's Enhanced Enum Support
- Managing API Rate Limits in Laravel Through Job Throttling
- Mastering Dynamic String Manipulation with Laravel's Str::replaceArray()
- Managing Large Datasets in Laravel with LazyCollection
- Handling Geospatial Data with Laravel Magellan
- Get Xdebug Working With Docker and PHP 8.4 in One Minute
- Enhancing Data Processing with Laravel's transform() Method
- Dynamic Form Validation in Laravel with prohibited_if
- Flexible Docker Images with PHP INI Environment Variables
- Streamlining Route Parameters in Laravel Using URL Defaults
- Multiple Column Plucking in Laravel Collections
- Securing Laravel Sessions with ID Regeneration
- Laravel Jobs - December
Creators and Guests
Michael Dyrynda
Dad. @laravelphp Artisan. @LaraconAU organiser. Co-host of @northsouthaudio, @laravelnews, @ripplesfm. Opinions are mine.