Michael Dyrynda

Michael Dyrynda

Dad. @laravelphp Artisan. @LaraconAU organiser. Co-host of @northsouthaudio, @laravelnews, @ripplesfm. Opinions are mine.

Appears in 194 Episodes

Laracon US 2019 Speaker Interview - Taylor Otwell

Bill Condo interviews Taylor Otwell at Laracon US 2019 in New York.

Laracon US 2019 Speaker Interview - Justin Jackson

Bill Condo interviews Justin Jackson at Laracon US 2019 in New York.

Laracon US 2019 Speaker Interview - Freek Van der Herten

Bill Condo interviews Freek Van der Herten at Laracon US 2019 in New York.

Laracon US 2019 Speaker Interview - Evan You

Bill Condo interviews Evan You at Laracon US 2019 in New York.

Laracon US 2019 Speaker Interview - Katerina Trajchevska

Bill Condo interviews Katerina Trajchevska at Laracon US 2019 in New York.

Laracon US 2019 Speaker Interview - Dries Vints

Bill Condo interviews Dries Vints at Laracon US 2019 in New York.

Laracon US 2019 Speaker Interview - Bobby Bouwmann

Bill Condo interviews Bobby Bouwmann at Laracon US 2019 in New York.

Laracon US 2019 Speaker Interview - Christoph Rumpel

Bill Condo interviews Christoph Rumpel at Laracon US 2019 in New York.

Laracon US 2019 Speaker Interview - Marcel Pociot

Bill Condo interviews Marcel Pociot at Laracon US 2019 in New York.

Laracon US 2019 Speaker Interview - Jonathan Reinink

Bill Condo interviews Jonathan Reinink at Laracon US 2019 in New York.

Laracon US 2019 Speaker Interview - Jason McCreary

Bill Condo interviews Jason McCreary at Laracon US 2019 in New York.

Laracon US 2019 Speaker Interview - Matt Stauffer

Bill Condo interviews Matt Stauffer at Laracon US 2019 in New York.

Flying Hashids, Laravel 6, and igniting Eloquent subqueries

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Cashier, Inertia.js, and Confident Laravel

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Laracon US 2019 recap

Jake and Michael recap some Laracon US 2019 highlights, and cover off the exciting annoucements form the conference.

Subscribable notifications, repeater fields, and Laracon US

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Power washers, webhooks, and GUIDs

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Pipe Dreams, Git Hooks, and an interview with Sander van Hooft

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Enums, Laracon AU, and making payments with Mollie

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Translations, IDEs in the cloud, and PHP insights

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Origin stories, Guzzler, and Mix aliases

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

New releases, search strings, and craftsmen

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Laravel Live, editor releases, and packages galore

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Laravel 5.8, Laracon Online 2019, and community contributions

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Package development, deprecated helpers, and caching changes

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Mix, Cashier, and web dev on an iPad

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Tracking errors, linting code, and Dusk dashboards

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Giving thanks, global app settings, and OPcache

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Space, danger, and 80's-themed development conferences

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

Lighthouse, translations, and metrics

Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.

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