Laravel 11, Flat Camps, and enriching queries
Download MP3Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.
This episode is sponsored by Sentry - code breaks, fix it faster. Don't just observe, take action today!
Show links
This episode is sponsored by Sentry - code breaks, fix it faster. Don't just observe, take action today!
Show links
- Resources for getting up to speed with Laravel 11
- Introducing the Context facade in Laravel
- Laravel Herd release v1.5.0 with new services. No more Docker, DBngin, or even Homebrew!
- Laravel Herd for Windows is now released!
- Statamic announces next Flat Camp retreat (EU edition)
- "Can I PHP?" Raycast extension
- The Laravel Worldwide Meetup is today
- Tablar Kit: UI components for Tablar admin dashboard
- Easily create complex database queries with the Query Enrich package
- Cache route with Cloudflare in Laravel
- Learn how to manage timezones in your Laravel apps
Creators and Guests

Michael Dyrynda
Dad. @laravelphp Artisan. @LaraconAU organiser. Co-host of @northsouthaudio, @laravelnews, @ripplesfm. Opinions are mine.